🟢Host Discovery

eCPPTv2 host discovery techniques.

Before a SYN scan with wihtout arp ping:

nmap -sn <target> --disable-arp-ping

Before a SYN scan with wihtout arp ping and with TCP packet with a SYN flag attached:

nmap -sn -PS <target> --disable-arp-ping

Before a SYN scan with wihtout arp ping and with TCP packet with a ACK flag attached:

nmap -sn -PA <target> --disable-arp-ping

Before a SYN scan with wihtout arp ping and with TCP packet with ICMP echo request:

nmap -sn -PE <target> --disable-arp-ping

Send ICMP echo request packets and only display hosts that are alive:

fping -A <target>

Send ICMP echo request packets and only display hosts that are alive and specify the number of retries (-r):

fping -A <target> -r <number of retries>

Specify a range of ip addresses such as a whole subnet (-g), send ICMP packets to every host in subnet, display time required to reach host (-e) and force fping to be quiet (-q):

fping -q -a -g <target> <subnet to scan> -r 0 -e

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